Twin Palms Clothing Co.

Fashion runs through our veins, and we immediately recognized the style and substance that a desert-inspired lifestyle brand would bring to the region. So we got behind the Twin Palms Clothing Co. concept and developed the brand story and aesthetic, including the logo and “Desert spirit with a vintage soul” tag line.

We also built the brand’s e-commerce website and look after the communications strategy and planning, art direct and cast the photoshoots, plan and buy the digital media, and oversee sponsorships and partnerships.

On a daily basis we manage the social media for the brand, not only featuring the influencers we partner with, but combining inspirational imagery of the Coachella Valley and High Desert to remind the audience of that unique spirit of the desert that’s there with you whenever you wear Twin Palms.

You can see the full Twin Palms site for yourself at

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