Amp Sports Lounge

Being an LGBTQ sports bar can be a tough road to tread as one would think it’s almost an oxymoron. So we helped the guys at Amp define who they are a little more clearly by playing on their diversity - not just in the traditional sense, but in the range of sports they screen and also the variety of entertainment on offer with everything from bingo to disco!

We dubbed them “the straightest little LGBTQ sports bar in the USA!” and created the line “Drinks, sports and fun of all sorts” to sum up their offering. This was all part of building a new website for Amp that clearly outlined the calendar of varied events and informed the public of what the venue was all about.

We’ve also contributed in creating entertainment concepts, designing the fun football shirts for the staff to wear and for their patrons to purchase, swell as designing elements of their marketing collateral too. You can see more at

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